Fixed-Price Services

Business Destination Poland

Monthly Market News Digest with Actionable Recommendations

Stay updated with the latest market news relevant to your industry. Our team will create a digest of key information and provide actionable recommendations to help you make informed decisions.

Business Destination Poland

Monthly Trends Analysis

Our team will analyze industry trends and market dynamics specifically tailored to your individual setup, enabling you to identify opportunities and adapt your strategies accordingly.

Business Destination Poland

Periodic Competitors' Scan

Gain a competitive edge by staying informed about your competitors' activities. We will conduct regular scans to analyze their strategies, product launches, and market positioning, providing you with valuable insights to refine your own approach

Business Destination Poland

Ad-hoc session with go-to-market consultant

Access expert guidance whenever you need it. Our team of topic experts is available for ad hoc consulting sessions to address specific challenges or provide strategic insights on demand, helping you navigate complex decisions
